goose tree recognition is a blog about dreams

This blog is named for the Welsh word, gwydd (pronounced "gweethe" or "goo-eethe"). On it I write dreams I've had, as snatched from my dream journal. I make as few edits as possible, but will change language to clarify or add content as I remember it. Parentheses are side notes that are in the journal. Square braces indicate notes added for the blog.

Sunday, December 20, 2005

An early architecture dream. I feel awkward about the ones where my ego shines, but sometimes it's nice to feel like you're specialized.

Don't remember how we got to the barn or what we were doing there, but a large group of people walked out and saw a church next to it. North/Western Michigan. I noted that the church had totally screwed up the orders and its columns were using all of them at once. I said it was not Gothic because it didn't use pointed arches. It did have somewhat ribbed outside arches. Ben and Molly (both from A2 schools, including elementary) were there and kept marvelling at my knowledge - Molly even said "oh yeah, pointed arches" like I was making a good point; but I was looking for Jon B. He took "humanities" at Pioneer.

There were crossing towers of some kind, but I don't remember seeing any windows.

At some point earlier I dreamt about Jennifer, the girl from my Italian class last year that I'm in love with (the idea of).

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